Revival Clinic | Melasma & Inflammation: Understanding Their Relationship
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52A-G, Jalan Eco Santuari 8/2A, Eco Santuari 42500, Selangor

Melasma & Inflammation: Understanding Their Relationship


Hey there, fellow skin enthusiasts!


Now, you might have heard of or even know someone who is having this annoying skin condition. But do you really know what it’s all about? Spoiler alert: it’s not just about those dark patches on your face. There’s a whole lot more going on beneath the surface, and it involves our old friend, inflammation. 🔥

So, what exactly is melasma? Well, picture this: you’re going about your day out on a typical sunny day, enjoying life, and suddenly, bam! You notice these patches of darker skin popping up on your face, particularly on your cheeks, forehead or nose. That’s melasma saying hello. It’s like your skin’s way of saying, “Hey, remember me? Here’s a little something to keep you on your toes.”

But here’s the thing: melasma isn’t just about sun exposure☀️ or genetics🧬 (though those play a role too). Nope, there’s another player in the game, and it goes by the name of inflammation🔥. Now, before you start panicking and consult Dr. Google🌐, let’s break it down.


It is the body’s natural response to injury or infection, serves as a double-edged sword in the context of skin health. While acute inflammation is essential for wound healing and immune defence, chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the skin. This can lead to a myriad of dermatological conditions, including melasma.

Think of it this way: when your skin senses danger (like UV radiation from the sun or hormonal fluctuations), it sends out signals for help. These signals recruit immune cells to the rescue. However, they get a bit trigger-happy sometimes, and start releasing inflammatory substances like cytokines, chemokines and reactive oxidative species. 

Now, here’s where things get interesting. These inflammatory substances don’t just hang out in the skin. They can also mess with your melanocytes – the cells responsible for producing melanin, aka the pigment that gives your skin its colour. When these melanocytes go into overdrive, producing more melanin than usual, voila! You’ve got yourself some melasma.

What to do if you are having melasma?

Revival Clinic | Melasma & Inflammation: Understanding Their RelationshipWell, first things first: protect yourself from the sun like your life depends on it. Don’t skimp on the sunblock🧴 because studies show that most people only apply 25-50% of the recommended amount of sunblock. Two fingers rule✌️ is a simple method in which two strips of sunblock are squeezed out onto both index and middle fingers. This amount is enough to cover your face and neck. Your skin will thank you later.

Do not take melasma lightly as it is a long term condition that tends to worsen with age!  Common treatments for melasma such as depigmenting cream, laser, microneedling are targeting on the skin surface only. There is a high chance for melasma to recur or even worsen, if you only treat the skin surface. Without addressing the underlying causes of inflammation, those pigments will not go away for good! A holistic treatment plan should go deeper than that in order to find out the root causes of melasma and body inflammation. Here in Revival Clinic, we provide customised treatment plans according to your skin and health condition especially body inflammation, hormone functions and nutritions. 

At the end of the day, melasma may be a terrible experience that is ruining your everyday life, but it’s also a reminder that our bodies are pretty darn amazing. They’re constantly adapting and responding to the world around us, even when things get a bit out of whack. So, next time you catch a glimpse of those melasma patches, remember: you’re not alone, and your skin is doing the best it can. Keep on shining, you radiant beings! 

Revival Clinic | Melasma & Inflammation: Understanding Their Relationship



Ready to tackle your pigmentation and get a blemish free skin? Reach out to Revival Clinic in Selangor for more information or to schedule a personalized consultation.

Contact Details:

📞Phone: +6017-7815237


📍Address: 52A-G, Jalan Eco Santuari 8/2A, Eco Santuari, 42500 Selangor



Discover more about our expert services and treatments on our website. We offer a range of melasma treatments that are customisable to your condition, including:

💡 Customized Skincare Plans: Tailored skincare regimens developed by our specialists suitable to your skin type and pigmentation severity for better skin barrier.

Yellow Laser Treatment: A targeted approach to reducing facial inflammation due to proliferative blood vessels.

Pico Laser Treatment: Directly targeting the pigments in the skin to break them down into smaller sizes.

🌟 Microneedle Treatment: Help to repair skin barrier by stimulating collagen production thus making your skin cells healthier.

Connect with our experienced doctors who are committed to guiding you on your journey to achieving your aesthetic goals. We look forward to assisting you in attaining a clear skin!

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